DesignWe.Love - Der Online-Shop für Designermöbel & Wohnaccessoires
Willkommen in unserem Online-Shop für kuratierte Produkte, Designklassiker, Vintagemöbel und lokales Design! Wir von DesignWe.Love sind echte Einrichtungsfans und suchen voller Leidenschaft die schönsten Produkte aus der Welt des Designs für Dich - Designermöbel undWohnaccessoires. Egal ob angesagte Design-Einrichtungsgegenstände oder echte Vintage Möbel. Unsere Auswahl an Möbeln und Dekoration ist handverlesen. Zusätzlich entwickeln wir mit unserem eigenen Designstudio durchdachte Wohnaccessoires, die wir zu 100% lokal fertigen und somit Ressourcen und Energie sparen. Mit deinem Einkauf unterstützt Du regionales Handwerk und hilfst uns die Wertschöpfungkette zu erhalten. Danke für Deine Nachhaltigkeit!
Let customers speak for us
In our shop at Schützengasse 6 in Weimar you can see all the products Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.!
Schönes für den gedeckten Tisch
Damit beeindruckst Du Deine Gäste!

Check out all the news!

We love Ferm LIVING
Here you will find furniture and home accessories from the Danish brand!

You can never have enough chairs!
Our selection of seating furniture

Thanks to our many years of experience in furnishing holiday apartments, private houses and public projects, we can help you with your furnishing and are happy to advise you on current living trends and your personal furnishing wishes. You can visit us at any time or make an appointment with us! Warm regards from your DesignWe.Love team: Franzi, Selina, Finja, Alexander, Udo and Mark.
For all small and big children

Timeless design icons

Great design products at a sale price!

You can set up a modern workplace with our furniture and home accessories for the office!

Combine design shopping and vacationing?
If you want to see our furniture and home accessories live and put them through their paces, then you can simply stay the night in one of our showrooms in Weimar! We will show you inspirational furnishing ideas and great designer furniture in our holiday apartments. Scandinavian design mixes with design from Italy and the Netherlands. Just try everything and only buy the furniture and decoration that you really like. You can get our advice in the shop on top if you wish! Together we will find exactly the right furniture for your apartment, balcony or garden!
This furniture and home accessories are absolutely hip right now!

Tables, chairs, coffee tables and other trendy furniture. Here you can discover ours