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Leckere Lebensmittel von Nicolas Vahe, Salze, Gewürze, Süßigkeiten und andere Leckereien!

Unsere handverlesenen Lebensmittel sind alle unglaublich leckere Zutaten für deinen täglichen Genuß. Die Salze und Gewürze sind alle biologisch angebaut und die Süßigkeiten auch tolle Geschenke für deine Liebsten. Für jeden Geschmack haben wir eine tolle Auswahl an Produkten für das Abendessen oder den Mittagstisch!

Salt mill with garlic and fennel spice mix
Salt mill with garlic and fennel spice mix
Salt mill with garlic and fennel spice mix
Salt mill with garlic and fennel spice mix €12,99€5,41 / 100g
Pepper mill organic green pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill organic green pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill organic green pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill organic green pepper - Nicolas Vahé €16,99€19,09 / 100g
Sold Out
Salzmühle Chilli blend spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Chilli blend spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Chilli blend spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Chilli blend spice mix - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€4,12 / 100g
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€6,04 / 100g
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé €16,99€5,31 / 100g
Pepper Mill Black and Pink Pepper Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper Mill Black and Pink Pepper Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper Mill Black and Pink Pepper Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper Mill Black and Pink Pepper Mix - Nicolas Vahé €16,99€12,14 / 100g
Salt mill red wine and laurel spice mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill red wine and laurel spice mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill red wine and laurel spice mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill red wine and laurel spice mixture - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€3,82 / 100g
Pepper mill white pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill white pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill white pepper - Nicolas Vahé
Pepper mill white pepper - Nicolas Vahé €15,99€9,14 / 100g
Sold Out
Sherry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Sherry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Sherry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Sherry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé €7,99€4,00 / 100ml
Raspberry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Raspberry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Raspberry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé
Raspberry Vinegar - Nicolas Vahé €7,99€4,00 / 100g
Spice Mixture Fish - Nicolas Vahé
Spice Mixture Fish - Nicolas Vahé
Spice Mixture Fish - Nicolas Vahé
Spice Mixture Fish - Nicolas Vahé €6,99€12,71 / 100g
Sold Out
Avocado Oil - Nicolas Vahé
Avocado Oil - Nicolas Vahé
Avocado Oil - Nicolas Vahé
Avocado Oil - Nicolas Vahé €14,99€6,00 / 100ml
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé €14,99€6,00 / 100ml
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil €12,99€4,33 / 100g
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Salt mill thyme and lemon spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill thyme and lemon spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill thyme and lemon spice mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill thyme and lemon spice mix - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€4,06 / 100g
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé
Extra virgin olive oil with truffle - Nicolas Vahé €14,99€6,00 / 100ml
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil
Salt mill parmesan, tomato, basil €12,99€4,06 / 100g
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé
Salt Mill Wild Garlic Spice Mixture - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€4,00 / 100g
Sold Out
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé
Salt mill black sea salt - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€3,88 / 100g
Mango Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Mango Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Mango Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Mango Essig - Nicolas Vahé €7,99€4,00 / 100ml
Salz- und Pfeffermühle Everyday Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salz- und Pfeffermühle Everyday Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salz- und Pfeffermühle Everyday Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salz- und Pfeffermühle Everyday Mix - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€4,19 / 100g
Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Gurke Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Gurke Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Gurke Essig - Nicolas Vahé
Gurke Essig - Nicolas Vahé €8,49€4,25 / 100g
Sold Out
Salzmühle The Secret Blend - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle The Secret Blend - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle The Secret Blend - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle The Secret Blend - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€4,19 / 100g
Sesam Öl geröstet - Nicolas Vahé
Sesam Öl geröstet - Nicolas Vahé
Sesam Öl geröstet - Nicolas Vahé
Sesam Öl geröstet - Nicolas Vahé €14,99€6,00 / 100ml
Salzmühle Ingwer, Sesam und Knoblauch - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Ingwer, Sesam und Knoblauch - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Ingwer, Sesam und Knoblauch - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Ingwer, Sesam und Knoblauch - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€5.094,12 / 100kg
Salzmühle Pilze Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Pilze Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Pilze Mix - Nicolas Vahé
Salzmühle Pilze Mix - Nicolas Vahé €12,99€3,94 / 100g
Pfeffermühle Lemon Peel - Nicolas Vahé
Pfeffermühle Lemon Peel - Nicolas Vahé
Pfeffermühle Lemon Peel - Nicolas Vahé
Pfeffermühle Lemon Peel - Nicolas Vahé €16,99€11,33 / 100g
Salz Knoblauch & Thymian - Nicolas Vahé
Salz Knoblauch & Thymian - Nicolas Vahé
Salz Knoblauch & Thymian - Nicolas Vahé
Salz Knoblauch & Thymian - Nicolas Vahé €12,99

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